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언리얼 소스코드 분석 UWorld::ServerTravel 작성중 본문

카테고리 없음

언리얼 소스코드 분석 UWorld::ServerTravel 작성중

fataliteforu 2023. 8. 20. 23:23

World의 Server Travel는 Game Mode의 ProcessServerTravel을 호출

bool UWorld::ServerTravel(const FString& FURL, bool bAbsolute, bool bShouldSkipGameNotify)
	AGameModeBase* GameMode = GetAuthGameMode();
	if (GameMode != nullptr && !GameMode->CanServerTravel(FURL, bAbsolute))
		return false;

	// Set the next travel type to use
	NextTravelType = bAbsolute ? TRAVEL_Absolute : TRAVEL_Relative;

	// if we're not already in a level change, start one now
	// If the bShouldSkipGameNotify is there, then don't worry about seamless travel recursion
	// and accept that we really want to travel
	if (NextURL.IsEmpty() && (!IsInSeamlessTravel() || bShouldSkipGameNotify))
		NextURL = FURL;
		if (GameMode != NULL)
			// Skip notifying clients if requested
			if (!bShouldSkipGameNotify)
				GameMode->ProcessServerTravel(FURL, bAbsolute);
			NextSwitchCountdown = 0;

	return true;

ServerTravel에서 ProcessClientTravel을 호출

void AGameModeBase::ProcessServerTravel(const FString& URL, bool bAbsolute)

	UE_LOG(LogGameMode, Log, TEXT("ProcessServerTravel: %s"), *URL);
	UWorld* World = GetWorld();
	FWorldContext& WorldContext = GEngine->GetWorldContextFromWorldChecked(World);

	// Force an old style load screen if the server has been up for a long time so that TimeSeconds doesn't overflow and break everything
	bool bSeamless = (bUseSeamlessTravel && GetWorld()->TimeSeconds < 172800.0f); // 172800 seconds == 48 hours

	// Compute the next URL, and pull the map out of it. This handles short->long package name conversion
	FURL NextURL = FURL(&WorldContext.LastURL, *URL, bAbsolute ? TRAVEL_Absolute : TRAVEL_Relative);

	FGuid NextMapGuid = UEngine::GetPackageGuid(FName(*NextURL.Map), GetWorld()->IsPlayInEditor());

	// Notify clients we're switching level and give them time to receive.
	FString URLMod = NextURL.ToString();
	APlayerController* LocalPlayer = ProcessClientTravel(URLMod, NextMapGuid, bSeamless, bAbsolute);

	World->NextURL = URLMod;
	ENetMode NetMode = GetNetMode();

	if (bSeamless)
		World->SeamlessTravel(World->NextURL, bAbsolute);
		World->NextURL = TEXT("");
		// Switch immediately if not networking.
		if (NetMode != NM_DedicatedServer && NetMode != NM_ListenServer)
			World->NextSwitchCountdown = 0.0f;


ProcessClientTravel에서, 존재하는 각각의 PlayerController에 ClientTravel을 실행

APlayerController* AGameModeBase::ProcessClientTravel(FString& FURL, bool bSeamless, bool bAbsolute)
	// We call PreClientTravel directly on any local PlayerPawns (ie listen server)
	APlayerController* LocalPlayerController = nullptr;
	for (FConstPlayerControllerIterator Iterator = GetWorld()->GetPlayerControllerIterator(); Iterator; ++Iterator)
		if (APlayerController* PlayerController = Iterator->Get())
			if (Cast<UNetConnection>(PlayerController->Player) != nullptr)
				// Remote player
				PlayerController->ClientTravel(FURL, TRAVEL_Relative, bSeamless);
				// Local player
				LocalPlayerController = PlayerController;
				PlayerController->PreClientTravel(FURL, bAbsolute ? TRAVEL_Absolute : TRAVEL_Relative, bSeamless);

	return LocalPlayerController;

Server의 PlayerController는 Client로 RPC인, ClientTravelInternal을 호출

void APlayerController::ClientTravelInternal_Implementation(const FString& URL, ETravelType TravelType, bool bSeamless, FGuid MapPackageGuid)
	UWorld* World = GetWorld();

	// Warn the client.
	PreClientTravel(URL, TravelType, bSeamless);

	if (bSeamless && TravelType == TRAVEL_Relative)
		if (bSeamless)
			UE_LOG(LogPlayerController, Warning, TEXT("Unable to perform seamless travel because TravelType was %i, not TRAVEL_Relative"), int32(TravelType));
		// Do the travel.
		GEngine->SetClientTravel(World, *URL, (ETravelType)TravelType);

GEngine은 Player Controller 헤더 파일에도 선언되어있지 않은 것을 보니

static으로 전역 선언되어있는 것인가..? 
